Knowing some low carb diet recipes meal plan 7 days is necessary. Especially when you are on a low carb diet. Calculating the carbohydrates ...
28 Day Egg Diet to Lose More Than 30 Pound

28 Day Egg Diet to Lose More Than 30 Pound

28 day egg diet is one of the diet types to restrict carbohydrate intake. This diet is based on the Atkins diet concept where carbohydrates must be controlled. In this case, the protein or other source intakes must be provided. Some people prefer to consume meat as protein sources. Meanwhile, meat is quite expensive. Therefore, the egg here provides protein sources to restrict carbohydrate intake.

In the 28 day egg diet, you actually increase the ketones production in your body. By limiting carbohydrates, your body will use fat as energy. There, the process of converting fat to glucose happens in egg diet. Then, in that process, ketones are created and kidneys will eliminate them from the body.

To monitor the fat burning process, you have to check the ketones during the 28 day egg diet. You can use keytone strips in this matter. Just dip this in your urine, then check it by using the chart in the package. The higher the number of the chart, the higher ketone levels you have. Well, it means that there is more fat you burn.

The other important thing is about to keep adequate amounts of fluids without carbohydrates when you are on an egg diet. Here, fresh water is the best thing to drink.

28 day egg diet
28 Day Egg Diet to Lose More Than 30 Pound

Choosing The Right Egg Part on 28 Day Egg Diet

For some people, egg diet may sound unacceptable because they worry about cholesterol. Well, it is true that an egg contains cholesterol. No one could deny that. You may also have some experience with the anti-egg campaign. The protesters believe egg is not good for health.

In this case, you have to take a look carefully about the cooking process and the egg parts. A cooking process with loaded oil may give an extra problem. Also, certain oil type can give other potential problem too. I believe that using butter, coconut oil, or olive oil will give a different result. So, it is not that wise to generalize everything unless you have an allergy with egg. That's a different thing.

Then, here comes the interesting point. An egg consists of two substances; egg whites and egg yolk. Both substances contain protein in a similar amount. Egg whites contain 3.6 g protein and egg yolk contains 2.7 g protein. But, there is a difference between them. Egg yolk contains more Fat than egg whites. 99% of Fat in egg belongs to egg yolk. Also, egg yolk contains more cholesterol than egg whites. That is why bodybuilder only chooses egg whites and refuse egg yolk.

How 28 Day Egg Diet Actually Work to Lose Weight

Normally, carbohydrates turn into glucose immediately. This substance, then, is used in metabolism. But, the problem is that glucose can convert into fat. It happens when there is an excessive amount of glucose. The "fat", then, is stored in fat cells. That is why people would adjust the carbohydrate intake with their activities. The more carbohydrate they eat, the more activities to burn calories they do.

Then, when there is less carbohydrate intake, the body will use fat as an energy source. That is why the low carbohydrate diet created. It is expected to cut the carbohydrate. So, the body will start to use other nutrients as the main source. Here, the stored fat will be burnt in metabolism.

Unfortunately, the problem will arise when you don't get enough protein. You will not only lose weight but also muscle mass. You may see that people who on diet are skinny and pale. They do not have a curve or even muscular shape. That happens when you lose your muscle mass.

In contrast, the 28 day egg diet will give you the benefit. Actually, it works like a low carbohydrate diet. In this egg diet, the carbohydrate intake has less portion. But, as explained before, the egg contains much protein. So, you can still workout and keep your muscle mass.

28 Day Egg Diet Meal Plan

The egg diet meal plan here is arranged for fourteen days. You can apply the cycle of meal plan here for the rest of 28 day challenge. Before starting this diet, you need to discuss with your doctor first. It is important to check whether this meal plan is suitable for you or not.

1. Monday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: two slice of bread and one fruit.
  • Dinner: chicken breast and salad.

2. Tuesday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: chicken breast and salad.
  • Dinner: chicken breast, salad, and an orange.

3. Wednesday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: one slice of bread, a tomato, and a slice of low-fat cheese.
  • Dinner: chicken breast and salad.

4. Thursday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: only fruit.
  • Dinner: only chicken breast.

5. Friday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: two boiled eggs and a bowl of steamed vegetable.
  • Dinner: grilled fish and salad

6. Saturday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: only fruit.
  • Dinner: steamed chicken breast and salad

7. Sunday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: only fruit.
  • Dinner: a bowl of steamed vegetable

Egg Diet Meal Plan for The Second Week

8. Monday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: chicken breast and salad.
  • Dinner: salad, steamed chicken breast, and two boiled eggs.

9. Tuesday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: two boiled eggs and a bowl of steamed vegetable.
  • Dinner: grilled fish and salad

10. Wednesday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: chicken breast and salad.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs and one fruit.

11. Thursday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: a slice of low-fat cheese, a bowl of steamed vegetable, two boiled eggs, and one fruit.
  • Dinner: steamed chicken breast and salad.

12. Friday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: tuna salad.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs and salad.

13. Saturday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: chicken breast and salad.
  • Dinner: only fruit.

14. Sunday

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs and one fruit.
  • Lunch: steamed chicken breast and a bowl of steamed vegetable.
  • Dinner: steamed chicken breast and a bowl of steamed vegetable.

In the first days of this 28 day egg diet, you may feel tired or exhausted. Normally, it happens because your body still adjusts to calorie intake. If you feel so uncomfortable, you may need a week to prepare the diet. You can start by limiting carbohydrate intake gradually. It can make your body adapts with the change that will happen when the diet comes. However, a routine medical check-up is needed to make sure you are healthy during the diet.
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Diet Coke Sweetener Called Aspartame

Diet Coke Sweetener Called Aspartame

Diet Coke sweetener has been changed and improved time by time. The higher health standard leads people to find a healthier substance. A certain coke sweetener may good in the past. But they may not good nowadays. This is the revolution of the diet soda industry.

People who are on diet would prefer Diet Coke. It is because Diet Coke contains low calories. What about its sweetener? Is it good for health? The standard has been changed. So does the diet coke sweetener.

There are two kinds of Diet Coke sweeteners nowadays. They are aspartame and Splenda. Aspartame has been used from the beginning of Diet Coke. Then, the Splenda follows later on. So, you can find both versions in the market. It is up to you to decide which one will you choose.

diet coke sweetener
Diet Coke Sweetener Called Aspartame

Aspartame Is the First Diet Coke Sweetener

Aspartame is the first diet coke sweetener. This sweetener has 200 times the sweetness of sugar (sucrose). So, you only need less than one percent of aspartame. That is enough to achieve the same sweetness point.

Then, it is like many other peptides. The energy content of aspartame is very low. It is at about 4 kcal (17 kJ) per gram. It makes aspartame popular as a low-calorie sweetener. Then, food or drink diabetics also use aspartame. Some popular products such as Nutrasweet, Canderel, and Equal contain it.

Currently, aspartame has various forms. They are liquid, granular, encapsulation and also flour. The encapsulation form is heat resistant. So, it can be used for products that require high temperatures in its manufacture.

Diet Coke Sweetener - Aspartame's Controversy

There was a problem of aspartame in 1974. Its preliminary approval from US FDA gained controversy. It was about the quality of initial research. Insufficient and defective security were the main issues.

Then, the conflicts of interest broke aspartame approval. In 1987, the US Government Accountability Office concluded one thing. Aspartame had followed correctly the process of approving food additives.

Nevertheless, there was the anti-aspartame campaign. The campaign was full of assumptions. It didn't provide document and accurate data. There, aspartame associated with problems. They were blindness, anxiety, and etc.

However, scientific research projects disputed those claims. Also, credible world health institutions corroborated them.

Then, a more thorough investigation began. It explained the relationship between aspartame and other health problems. They were headaches, brain tumors, and lymphoma. Thus, the results have made people begin to think again to use aspartame. Even in 2004, there was a documentary film about this controversy. The film titled Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World.

However, aspartame has been declared safe for human consumption. Ninety countries around the world declared it. Tests and studies had examined aspartame carefully. FDA has agreed and stated aspartame is safe as a non-nutritious sweetener.

Diet Coke Sweetener - Aspartame's Safeness

At first glance, you may worry about its safeness. It may come from its controversy. Or, you may do not know how much the safe consumption. Well, the good news is this is safe. Some world institutions even recommend it. They are FDA, ADA, SCF, JECFA, and etc.

In 1981 aspartame received approval from the FDA. It was only for some foods. Then, since 1996 the FDA has approved the use of aspartame in all foods and beverages. The approval means a lot. It means that there must be previous studies. In fact, there were more than 100 studies to get it. Until today, the FDA has not changed its opinion.

Major research conducted on humans. It is about sodas with aspartame sweetener. Then, the research explains one thing. There is no evidence that it can increase the risk of cancer.

There is an interesting thing about this diet coke sweetener. The body breaks down aspartame as amino acids. But, aspartame cannot stand the high temperature. Therefore, baking products don't use aspartame. It is because baking needs high temperatures.

Aspartame is safe according to SCF in 1998. There is 500 studies review on aspartame from 1998 to 2001. The results of the review show that aspartame remains safe. Then, there is no compelling evidence so far. So they do not revoke the previous statement.

Well, how much is safe aspartame intake? We should refer to ADI. ADI means Acceptable Daily Intake. It should be 40 mg/kg body weight.

The Possible Risk of Aspartame as Diet Coke Sweetener

Aspartame is metabolized. It will be broken down into basic components. Phenylalanine is one of them. Thus, this is our main concern now. Actually, it is a kind of amino acid.

Normally, this amino acid is converted into tyrosine and the body remove it. Unfortunately, there is a disorder in this process. People call it phenylketonuria. This disease attacks the brain. It makes the amino acid to accumulate in the blood. Then, it disrupts the brain.

This problem can cause various harmful effects. Also, this disease can be genetically inherited. This disease can be found in one per 15,000 people.

Surprisingly, phenylalanine is not only in aspartame. Rice, meat, and dairy products contain it. But, it belongs to natural phenylalanine. So, phenylketonuria patients should aware of it.
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Low Carb Diet Recipes Meal Plan 7 Days

Low Carb Diet Recipes Meal Plan 7 Days

Knowing some low carb diet recipes meal plan 7 days is necessary. Especially when you are on a low carb diet. Calculating the carbohydrates needs precisely is needed. If you do not keep the carbs low in your diet recipes meal plan, then your low carb diet may fail.

A low carb diet typically requires between 20-40 net carbs. In this case, you will gain energy from fat. This state is called ketosis. The ketosis state will use fat as the main source of energy. To make sure this state happens, you need to cut your carbs intake.

Then, when all the fat stored in your body is used, you will lose weight. As the consequence, you will be slim. Also, for some people, the body will be looked more aesthetical. This is because the fat percentage is getting lower.

Low Carb Diet Recipes Meal Plan 7 Days
Low Carb Diet Recipes Meal Plan 7 Days
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The Newest List of Diet Soda Without Aspartame in 2018

The Newest List of Diet Soda Without Aspartame in 2018

This sweetener is one of some particular artificial sweetener that people avoid while on their diet. It is not only about the risks of aspartame itself, but also the effect on the diet. Aspartame is about 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and popular to sweeten soda. The good news is there is some particular soda without aspartame.

Actually, aspartame is approved for human use, but using it for a long time or much amounts on your daily basis will lead you to particular problems. Thus, when you are on a low-calorie diet or keto diet, you need to make sure you eat right foods. In this case, you can consume diet soda but what actually you look for is diet soda without aspartame to make sure you will not gain other health problems caused by artificial sweetener.

diet soda without aspartame
The Top List of Diet Soda Without Aspartame

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The Pros and Cons of Having Diet Soda Keto

The Pros and Cons of Having Diet Soda Keto

Having diet soda while on keto be an intriguing topic to be discussed because you know that consuming too much "soda" will make you gain weight. You know what, soda and chips is the perfect combination that can lead you to gain obesity faster. Then, what about diet soda while on a keto diet?

Let me tell you first. In the ketogenic diet, what you look for is a ketosis state which your body uses its own fat as the energy source. In this case, you have to lower carbohydrates to make your body look for other energy sources that in this case is called as "Fat".

To reach a ketosis state, you have to limit averagely below 50 g carbohydrate intake per day. It means that you have to reduce your foods consumption especially those foods that contain many carbs. In this case, there is about 40 g of carbohydrates contained in a single can of regular soda.

What about diet soda? Let us check the pros and cons of having diet soda on the keto diet.

Diet Soda Keto
The Pros and Cons of Having Diet Soda While on Keto Diet
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The Essential Steps to Get Rid of Gaining Weight on Vegan Diet

The Essential Steps to Get Rid of Gaining Weight on Vegan Diet

Gaining weight when you are on vegan diet rarely happens because you are supposed to eat completely a bunch of healthily non-caloric foods on the diet. As the bonuses, you will have ideal weight plus long life age that you may have heard of. Also, you can find so many works of literature tell you that being a vegan is the most healthy lifestyle and etc.

Basically, when you have 250 to 500 calorie surplus per day, you will gain 0,5 to 1 pound muscle mass per week. Then, in the vegan diet, you are expected to lose weight because of vegan foods contain lots of fiber and make your satiety be longer.

The problem is you may do not know that eating too many vegan foods prompts weight gain. Why? The truth is even in some vegetables or foods are actually containing so many calories.

Gaining Weight on Vegan Diet
How to Avoid Gaining Weight on Vegan Diet
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7 Best Way To Cook Eggs To Keep The Nutrition

7 Best Way To Cook Eggs To Keep The Nutrition

There are so many ways to cook an egg, but not all of them is healthy. Sometimes you can lose so many good nutrients inside it. Knowing the best way to cook an egg you will keep good nutrients inside the egg. HDL is one of the good nutrients you can keep if you do the best way to cook an egg. This nutrient helps your body produce vitamin D and hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol. Therefore n this article, you will find 7 best way to cook eggs to keep the nutrition.

best way to cook egg
the soft boiled egg is one of the best ways to cook eggs

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